Orthodox Christian devotion mitigates the pace of my path. I strive to inspire & embolden fellow Orthodox Christians to protect the Ecumenical Patriarchate. It is a moral imperative bound by love for His All-Holiness. I applaud the Archons who fight the good fight. I continue in prayer, openly protest any person, affiliation, jurisdiction, group or government which seeks to undermine its sovereignty.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
why run why train why diet why why why

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
pray and play together
do you play canasta? if so i have started a ladder for orthodox christians. please register once there are player we can begin hosting tournaments and games. there is no fee to play and prizes to win. it is s social site for christians and particularily orthodox christians.
do you play canasta? if so i have started a ladder for orthodox christians. please register once there are player we can begin hosting tournaments and games. there is no fee to play and prizes to win. it is s social site for christians and particularily orthodox christians.
running the good race despite disappointment

Monday, April 27, 2009
three's not the charm

Christ is risen. Indeed He is risen.
Friday, April 24, 2009
half and half

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
geocashng and cashing out

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
geocashing with stavro
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Christ is Risen!
How many critics of the Ecumenical Patriarchate can explain the event depicted here by painter theophilos?
Today we celebrate the Pascha the Risen Christ proclaiming his resurrection. I had many people to my house from all over the world. Greeks, Russians, Arabs and and even Americans all sang "Christ is Risen" in their native tounge before eating the Lamb. It was all great and the food couldn't be beat. I have great friends and a wonderful family thanks be to God. Yesterday i broke my foot (toe). Yes, it is quite numb today. If i can get it in a sneaker i will try and run a bit tomorrow otherwise i will have to wait for the swelling to go down. CHRIST IS RISEN!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
morning run Holy Friday
Met. Jonah's return AMEN AMEN AMEN

Metropolitan Jonah issues statement on recent sermon
Posted 04/17
SYOSSET, NY [OCA Communications] -- On Great, Holy and Good Friday, April 17, 2009, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, issued the following statement in response to recent commentary on his April 5, 2009 sermon, delivered at Saint Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, TX. “I greet you in a spirit of repentance and forgiveness as we celebrate the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Certain comments that were made in the course of my sermon have provoked a reaction from my Orthodox brothers that I did not intend or foresee. I regret making those comments. In particular, I realize that some characterizations regarding the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Patriarchate of Constantinople were insensitive. As the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, I am motivated only by the desire to underscore our fervent hope that future discussion about the so-called Orthodox Diaspora will include the Orthodox Church in America and other Orthodox jurisdictions in North America. It is also my purpose to affirm our Church in the face of those who would question our presence as a local Orthodox Church in North America. “It is now clear that I made statements that were uncharitable. I do apologize to His All-Holiness as well as to others who were offended. I also hope that through personal contact and acquaintance we might be able to overcome any misunderstandings that might arise or have clouded the relationship between our Churches in the past. My hope is that we might cooperate in an attitude of mutual support in our common mission, to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the spirit of this Great and Holy Friday, I sincerely pray that as we contemplate Our Lord, Who ascended the Cross to “bring all men to Himself,” we will see in His patience and long-suffering the way to continue our work together for the witness and mission of Orthodoxy in the world and for Orthodox unity in North America.”
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Responses from byzantine texas blog on archon response

elgreca262: angela damianakis m.s.w said...
God bless the Order of St. Andrew the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate righteous defenders of our All-Holy Father. Sincerely, An American Patriot, Greek Immigrant and first and foremost an Orthodox Christian.
April 15, 2009 2:49 PM
rwp said...
April 15, 2009 3:42 PM
Josephus Flavius said...
My personal hope is for decisive movement from the Church that limits squabbling. The uncanonical mish-mash in America needs a solution.
April 15, 2009 4:49 PM
elgreca262: angela damianakis m.s.w said...
A solution... wonderful. But it must be an Orthodox solution not an intentional coup. The planting of mission churches anyway there are Greek Orthodox Churches (Orthodox being the operative word) in some weak attempt to demonstrate a need where there is none. or the subersive attempts to establish new boards and new missionary efforts to undercut the tremenous success of already existing organizations like ocmc or or iocc unacceptable and deceptive. it is a kin to evangelical groups who want to bring christianity to the russians or to the ukranians. and to people who can yawn through this 'so sad'.
April 16, 2009 7:54 AM
elgreca262: angela damianakis m.s.w said...
God bless the Order of St. Andrew the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate righteous defenders of our All-Holy Father. Sincerely, An American Patriot, Greek Immigrant and first and foremost an Orthodox Christian.
April 15, 2009 2:49 PM
rwp said...
April 15, 2009 3:42 PM
Josephus Flavius said...
My personal hope is for decisive movement from the Church that limits squabbling. The uncanonical mish-mash in America needs a solution.
April 15, 2009 4:49 PM
elgreca262: angela damianakis m.s.w said...
A solution... wonderful. But it must be an Orthodox solution not an intentional coup. The planting of mission churches anyway there are Greek Orthodox Churches (Orthodox being the operative word) in some weak attempt to demonstrate a need where there is none. or the subersive attempts to establish new boards and new missionary efforts to undercut the tremenous success of already existing organizations like ocmc or or iocc unacceptable and deceptive. it is a kin to evangelical groups who want to bring christianity to the russians or to the ukranians. and to people who can yawn through this 'so sad'.
April 16, 2009 7:54 AM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Order of Saint Andrew Responds to Reckless Comments

New York, NY4/15/2009
The Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, laymen who are deeply devoted to the Great Church of Christ and dedicated to the protection, defense and the mission of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, take this occasion to raise serious concerns and questions over the recent public remarks made by the Primate of the OCA during a Pan-Orthodox Vespers (April 5th) in Dallas, Texas. We do so sorrowfully, not only because the Church is now in the midst of Holy Week, but because the reason for our doing results from language that is unworthy of any ecclesiastical setting. Nevertheless, to be an Archon is to have a special concern and interest to protect and promote the Ecumenical Patriarchate, its mission, and the person of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Therefore, we can not and must not refrain from speaking the truth in love, even though the moment is not the best.
For those who have seen the video that has been widely circulated on the Internet, or have read the transcript that is still on an OCA website, it is immediately apparent that inappropriate language, to say the least, is used against the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Consider this phrase:
There's one solution that's being proposed in which we all submit to Constantinople. We all submit to a foreign patriarchate where all decisions will be made there. Where we will have no say in the decisions that are made, we will have no say in our own destiny and we surrender the freedom that we have embraced as American Orthodox Christians to a patriarch that is still under Islamic domination.
Who has proposed any kind of subjugation to Constantinople? No one! The fact is that all of the Autocephalous Primates agreed in Constantinople on October 12, 2008 that there should be a swift healing of every canonical anomaly that has arisen from historical circumstances and pastoral requirements, such as in the so-called Orthodox Diaspora, with a view to overcoming every possible influence that is foreign to Orthodox ecclesiology (Article 13, ii). This statement was signed by all the recognized Autocephalous Primates or their Official Representatives. Metropolitan Jonah's statements demonstrate not only a lack of knowledge and of discretion; they demonstrate something which is plainly foreign to Orthodox ecclesiology.
To maintain that we, Americans, cannot ... be controlled by people who have never heard a word of English much less would allow a word of English to be spoken in the liturgy. We can't allow our church to be controlled by people who have no appreciation of our culture and have to bow to the Turkish Islamic authorities, is an erroneous, irresponsible statement in any public setting, much less a liturgical service. The fact is that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew speaks six languages, and had a wonderful conversation with the President of the United States in English two days after this inflammatory remark! Furthermore, when the Heads of the Autocephalous Churches celebrated the Holy Liturgy together last October 12th in the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George, there was an abundance of tongues used, recalling the Day of Pentecost.
Finally, we, Archons of the Great Church of Christ, must register our concern and pain over the general tone of the Metropolitan's remarks as insulting. When a statement is made, speaking personally about the Ecumenical Patriarch: if we wanted the Pope we'd be under the real one, it is not possible for the Order of Archons to be silent. This kind of disrespect is beneath any Christian. And we must also ask how a phrase like, Communists who now call themselves Democrats, does not cast aspersions on the very Nation whose martyred Church, the Patriarchate of Moscow, created the OCA in the first place?
As we are in the midst of Holy Days, when we all apply ourselves more vigorously to prayer and fasting, as we strive to follow Christ on His Way to the Cross and His Glorious Resurrection, we hope that Metropolitan Jonah will publicly retract his ill-considered remarks. While we rejoice that all things are forgiven in the Resurrection, as Orthodox Christians and as Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, we will continue to be vigilant and express our grave concerns whenever such injustices as these are committed. May God grant to us all the strength and will to work for peaceable, reasonable relationships within His Holy Church, so that the Message of the Holy Gospel may shine forth.
Friday, April 10, 2009
three with mia after a three day as disney
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
transcript form Metropolitan Jonah (DISGRACEFUL)

Key quotes referring to His All Holiness:
"There are those there, in the old world... Who are ignorant of our Saints"
"We surrender the freedom that we have embraced as American Orthodox Christians to a Patriarchate still under Islamic domination."
"I would submit if we wanted a Pope we’d be under the real one."
"the true indigenous Orthodox Christians of our land"
"I don’t think the holy fathers in the Phanar understand"
"not to some kind of alien ideology, not to some nationalist or imperialist ideology from some forgotten empire, not the imposition of foreign customs and the submission to foreign despots."
"There are those there that say that there was no canonical Orthodox Church in the North American until 1924 until the establishment of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Greek archdiocese. Excuse me."
"Seven months ago I was still an abbot in a monastery in northern California. Just a few months ago I was made Metropolitan and I had no idea, really, what the scope of Orthodoxy is in America. And, now I’m beginning to get an idea."
"is not about some kind of international organization where we look 8000 miles away for some source of canonicity."
“There is an American Orthodox Church. Leave it alone.”
Breaking News

April 7, 2009
Patriarch meets Obama 10 min-->
ISTANBUL - THE SPIRITUAL leader of the world's Orthodox Christians has thanked President Barack Obama for appealing for more religious freedom in a speech to Turkey's parliament.
A church spokesman says Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, who is based in Istanbul, met Obama in private for 15 minutes at the president's hotel on Tuesday.
The spokesman, Rev. Alexander Karloutsos of the Greek Orthodox Church in the United States, says Bartholomew also thanked Obama for advocating Turkey's entry into the European Union.
According to Karloutsos, Obama said he would continue to promote religious freedom.
In a speech to Turkish lawmakers on Monday, he urged Turkey to reopen a Greek Orthodox seminary, a key demand by the European Union to strengthen Ankara's bid for EU membership. -- AP
News release Obama meets with Ecumenical Patriach

running on the dreadmill

Monday, April 6, 2009
Obama in Turkey
Sunday, April 5, 2009
italian take out and Mia take out
Thursday, April 2, 2009
wind gusts a plenty WATCH OUT

today was a four miler from the dojo. after my run i met elias and the baby at walmart to pick out some dvd's. the wind was so strong today that even though it was from the side it constantly pushed me to the side. i was grateful that i didn't have the baby with me because pushing her in the stroller would have been an impossibility. the sky was lovely and even though the temperature is in the 80's the wind was refreshing. keep it positive. today i spent some time exploring personal accountability and moral imperatives. in life too often we choose the path of least resistance we don't get involved for take action because it's not convenient. Stand up for what is right because the devil exploits the politeness of good people. i have been taking advantage of the great Florida weather and i took the baby to the beach for the warm fresh air. it was a good day. i know today's entry is all over the map but that's how it goes sometimes.
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