Monday, October 4, 2010

Archimandrite Theophanes (George) Lemonakis Booted

I had he misfortune of meeting this priest want to be iconographer at a local parish while his was attempting to pimp his iconography and poach the project from another iconographer. His M.O. is to show  up with his translator and attempt to undercut existing bids for iconography. His behavior is unbecoming a priest and his iconography unremarkable.
Apparently the Archimandrite has difficulty with obedience and refuses to return to his parish on the island of Crete despite request Archbishop of Crete Irineos. He was serving temporarily in Clearwater Florida at the Church of the Ascension of Christ, a metochion (dependency) of  the Holy Monastery of Saint Irene Chrysovalanto in Astoria NY.
He has since been dismissed or left to begin his own parish. It doesn't get more obvious then this.


flowerpower said...

There is alot more to the story than you know of this parish i know of what i speak.

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

I would like to expose all the truth and bring light to this sick situation but without courageous people to come forward I have printed all I know and can. I accept email Correspondences can be left anonymous though that is seldom necessary. I have a platform I need facts.

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

I was reviewing comments and noticed that. You never offered more information. Please refrain from making enticing comments without offering substance.