Sunday, March 20, 2011

Preparatory Commission: Tomosa Autokephalia


Chambesy, 21 to 26 February 2011.

In the center of the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambesy, in Geneva, met on 22 to 26 February 2011. The Preparatory Commission Međupravoslavna Holy and Great Councils of the Orthodox Church.

The Commission was chaired by HE Metropolitan of Pergamon g. John, a representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and its secretary was the Metropolitan Swiss g. Jeremiah, Secretary for the preparation of the Holy and Great Council.

Međupravoslavna Commission had for the course of completing the study questions autokefalije and ways of its declaration, and the question of Orthodox diptychs.

1. The Commission, after introductory words Eminence Chair and introductory remarks, the Secretary of the continued examination of issues signing Tomosa autokefalije, which remained unfinished since its last meeting.

After a long discussion on this issue was not a unanimous decision. Since, according to the current regulations, decisions must be made unanimously, the agreement on the issue and how it autokefalije declaration has not been achieved and what still remains unfinished.

2. The Commission is jointly discussed and the topic of Orthodox diptychs and examined its various canonical and ecclesiastical aspects, from time described the practice of the Orthodox Church on this matter and unanimously expressed the opinion that the obligations imposed in the future be made diptisi unique in the Orthodox Church, as a tangible expression its unity.

The Commission has described the criteria as they apply to the present, to enter and sort some of the Church in the sacred diptychs.

The Commission has examined the application of the Churches of Poland and Albania on their uniform ranking of the holy diptisima all autocephalous Orthodox Church, the Church of Poland which precedes the (Albanian), and has proposed certain adjustments to the diptychs of the Orthodox Church.

The Commission has examined the application:
a) Most Holy Church of Georgia, on her elevation to sixth place in the holy diptisima all Orthodox Churches;
b) most holy Church of Cyprus, on her elevation to the more sacred place in diptisima;
c) as notable distinction between the sacred diptisima some churches, which refers to the inclusion of pan-Orthodox Churches which are not recognized as autocephalous.

The Commission has established the impossibility of finding unanimously acceptable solution with respect to these issues.

Metropolitan John of Pergamon,

Translated by G. Gajic, archpriest
Delivered: Metropolitan
Montenegro and the Littoral
Littoral, a member of the Commission


Isa Almisry said...

"c) as notable distinction between the sacred diptisima some churches, which refers to the inclusion of pan-Orthodox Churches which are not recognized as autocephalous."
That would be the plurality of diptychs that have the OCA in them.

Isa Almisry said...

"c) as notable distinction between the sacred diptisima some churches, which refers to the inclusion of pan-Orthodox Churches which are not recognized as autocephalous."

That would be the plurality of Orthodox Churches which commemorate Met. Jonah of the OCA in their diptychs.

Jeremiah said...

Speaking of autocephaly, there is a great lecture transcript of a talk given by Fr Josiah Trenham on the necessity for Orthodox Unity and autocephaly in America.

Isa Almisry said...

Though I don't think the difference in praxis is the end of the world, Fr. Trenham is on the mark about the evils of jurisdictionalism.