Sunday, April 5, 2009

italian take out and Mia take out

after ordering Italian for the family i took mia out for our home loop (3 miles). it was so satisfying that i finished before my husband got home with dinner. it was a wonderful evening run. the weather was warm but not hot there was a breeze but no wind. mia would call out during the run pointing out whatever would catch her eye. squirrels are in full swing this spring. we have a raven that has called our house home. we have started feeding him. Prophet Elijah was fed by one and we thought weld repay the favor. Elias (Elijah in Greek) has taken this as his pleasure. Our neighborhood is a bird sanctuary and we have always enjoyed hawks, wood peckers, hummingbirds, cardinals and blue jays. the blue jays are mean suckers. anyway i have really been enjoying the rhythm of my runs. there are relaxing and keep in good enough shape that i can jump into a half marathon. it's nice not having the pressure of training in a formal sense. in some ways it's like prayer being a natural extension of living. although now in Great Lent it is more regimented with Holy Week being the marathon. Anger, depression, disease and negativity are all the results of the fall nature. Too many people and society in general not wanting to modify life have chosen treat the outcome rather then temper their actions. this new vaccine they have now for adolescent girls is marketed as being a preventative for cervical cancer. why? they found out that when women are promiscuous having multiple partners they often contract genital warts which later in life increase (almost guarantee) the likelihood that they will develop cervical cancer. It would seem rather then getting a shot it make sense not to sleep around. the pharmaceutical community of course make big bucks so they are not pushing for self control and restraint. The medical profession takes a 'what does it hurt to be preventative or to take a prophylactic measure. The problem is that we have already then conceded and sent the message to our girls that pre and extramarital sex with multiple partners is a given and that some shot will inoculate them against the consequences of said behavior. of course it may only vaccinate against cervical cancer but not against the spiritual cancer that grows and ultimately erodes the marriage and one's purity. The divorce rates in America is driven by all the poisons individuals infuse into their live. we can't compartmentalize sin or dysfunction. additionally one's attitude about marriage i think is the driving force behind long lasting marriages and failing ones. the culture used to expect restrain outside of marriage then, it a culture of serial monogamy was acceptable and now we are a culture of serial marriage. society has limited marriage to a secular union and not a bond before God. we make what is unnatural an alternative and we seek pleasure as if it were a virtue. i'm just saying.

1 comment:

Sarah Kathryn said...

I'm keeping up! Sorry for the lack of commentary on my part :)

Glad you got such a nice run in with your baby girl. Isn't it nice to go out on a run and then come home to things being just right ... dinner on the table, run done, life is good :)