Tuesday, April 28, 2009

running the good race despite disappointment

Stavro and i set out again for another try at geocashing. Mia of course was along for the ride. this has been a lesson in try try again. and of course when you fail or fall keep your eyes of the prize and keep trying. we still couldn't find the geocashing but we did find a pygmy rattle snake. this has been testing the limits of Stavro's patience and endurance. He has had to contend with setting out on these hunts traveling miles on his bike or on foot to get so close and yet come up short. His frustration levels have dropped off somewhat as he is learning patience and what attitude find success. I of course have to manage my own frustration with his reaction. I didn't want him traveling too far into the brush considering the snake we passed. I had the question posed to me 'what do i feel passionately about (aside from running). I don't think I'm passionate about running but i know that it is a very important part of the structure of my week and day. It helps me put into practice all the Biblical and Church Traditions in practical ways. I feel passionately about my faith and the Ecumenical Patriarchate but i am more focused on raising the baby and training up my teen and preteen. This might be to the frustration of some. I know that within the next year or so i will return to working as a social worker or life coach and then it will be my preoccupation but not my passion.

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