Thursday, February 26, 2009

and another 4.5

here's yet another artifact from my youth. this is from high school. tonight's run was cool and the sun set to a crescent moon. Mia was all bundled up and i took her on a bumpy ride north on seven springs. she even lost her bottle at some point. today's run was decidedly more difficult then yesterdays and the miles got slower and slower. i am glad that i wasn't keeping an eye on the time or i would have felt discouraged. there were definite moments when i found my groove but i had no real direction for time or distance so the uncertainty is a bit unnerving for me. I am the type of runner that just needs to know what is expected. run 10 miles this way and i go. anyway i am grateful to feel well enough to get out and run. tomorrow hopefully i can run alone and just go. i have felt discouraged about triathlons i haven't been on my bike in like a year. bummer. anyway happy trails everyone.

1 comment:

J said...

Good job getting back out there.