Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Patriarchates of the Undivided Early Church’s Pentarchy

The Patriarchates of the Undivided Early Church’s Pentarchy:
  1. THE PATRIARCHATE OF JERUSALEM:  Epicenter of ancient Jewish customs made-anew in Christ Jesus serving as the essential foundation for the Jewish Rite of the Christian Church. Officially declared a Patriarchate at the 4th Ecumenical Council, 451 AD, which established universally tthe dual  nature of Christ condeming the Monophysite Christian Heretics.

  2. THE PATRIARCHATE OF ANTIOCH: Epicenter of the ancient Syrian civilizations made-anew in Christ Jesus serving as the essential foundation for the  first Gentile Rite of the Christian Church. Affirmed a  Patriarchate at the 1st Ecumenical Council, 325 AD, which established Jesus as God, One in Being with the Father condeming the Arian Heretics.

  3. THE PATRIARCHATE OF ALEXANDRIA: Epicenter of the ancient Egyptian civlization made-anew in Christ Jesus. Affirmed a Patriarchate at the 1st Ecumenical Council, 325 AD, which established Jesus as God, One in Being with the Father condeming the Arian Heretics.

  4. THE PATRIARCHATE OF ROME Epicenter of Roman civiliztion made-anew in Christ Jesus. Esblishing the Roman Rite of the Christian Church. Affirmed a Patriarchate at the 1st Ecumenical Council, 325 AD, which established Jesus as God, One in Being with the Father condeming the Arian Heretics.

  5. THE PATRIARCHATE OF BYZANTIUM/CONSTANTINOPLE. Epienter of the ancient Greek civilization. Estsablishing the Byzantine (Greek) Rite of the Christian Church.   Officially declared a Patriarchate at the 4th Ecumenical Council, 451 AD, which established universally tthe dual nature of Christ condeming the Monophysite Christian Heretics.
Now this is what all can agree is true diversity.

Words from a righteous man: Fr. Makarios Griniezakis is an Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne:
“…even a cursory study of history shows us that every heresy, schism and ecclesiastical division stemmed from personal ambition and egotism, only later to be robed in the mantle of dogmatic diversity”.
“When we emphasize our vastness and point to statistical demonstrations, it means that we are not shepherds, but rather operatives of power, exploiting the administrative and spiritual authority that springs forth from our position”.
"The pentarchy is comprised of Old Rome, New Rome (Constantinople) and the Patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. Not only was Moscow never considered a member of the pentarchy, but also there are no ecclesiastical or canonical texts that designate Moscow as the replacement or substitute for Old Rome”.
“It is clear from the discussion that the Ecumenical Patriarchate will certainly not lose the position of primacy that it maintains; the ranking of the Orthodox Churches will not change; and the committee in question--or any other committee that is formed--will not institute rebellious changes in the Orthodox Church”.
“The truth will release us from our parochial attitude and self-love; the truth will liberate us from spitefulness and our egos; the truth will allow us to move beyond feelings that instigate internal quarrels and erect narcissistic partitions. 'The truth shall set us free.’”

1 comment:

Isa Almisry said...

""The pentarchy is comprised of Old Rome, New Rome (Constantinople) and the Patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. Not only was Moscow never considered a member of the pentarchy, but also there are no ecclesiastical or canonical texts that designate Moscow as the replacement or substitute for Old Rome”."

There are no ecclesiastical nor canonical texts that designate Constantinople as the replacement or substitute for Old Rome either. Nor any ecclesiastical nor canonical texts that designate Constantinople an apostolic see (above any that so connect St. Andrew with All Rus'), unlike Old Rome, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. How Moscow got elevated to the status of Patriarchate is exactly the same way Constantinople did it