Friday, September 3, 2010

The Run for Religious Freedom Starts with YOU

Calling all runners all orthodox christians to run the good race. I am currenly providing a nation-wide, free of charge, team-in-training program for Orthodox Christians. Its purpose is to create a presence of Orthodox Christians in the running community by networking through the internet nationally and assist local communities begin small running groups to bridge the distance and address our individual need for koinonia.

As the founder and team leader I will provide a four day a week beginner training schedule to everyone who is interested to assist beginners to run their first marathon, while inviting veterans to share their experiences. The main function of this forum will be to share Orthodoxy with fellow runners to create a real sense of community and to ultimately raise awareness of the plight of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Our first event will be the Disney Marathon 2011. This is a great venue and is very family friendly. Official training begins September. Training schedules will be provided for all fitness levels. Make the commitment to yourself, your church and your Patriarch.

Without challenge there can be little meaningful and intelligent change. Challenge yourself by embarking on this journey. Let's raise awareness about Orthodoxy and the current oppression of the Mother Church. All journeys begin with a single step. This grassroots effort begins with you making the first simple and practical steps. The run for religious freedom is open to all Orthodox Christians.

Please contact me for more information and details about training groups in your local area.

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