Thursday, April 22, 2010


Controversial YES. Bold YES. Enlightened YES.
This voice of anonymous elders who proclaim their Orthodoxy, allegiance to the Ecumenical Throne and unyieldingly support all who suffer silently; have always helped me to destigmatize and love. I still am unable currently to discard my prejudice but I am being refashioned, reformed and perfected. I find that judgement or more precisely condemnation is ugly and proves only how far I am from the mark, from my Chrismation. I don't embrace sin or the illicit but I can embrace and call to my prayers those who have no one to love them; those who settle for physical relations lacking intimacy; for a those who suffer in isolation captives in their own minds. Jn1034's counsel public and private has always been good medicine. The gift of language exceeds my expectation time and again. Though their public and open support of the disenfranchised, the powerless and outcast is at times provocative they press on. They are there fighting the good fight for the lost, the cold and the needy. Only when  having defenders during warfare can we take rest in peace. Christ is risen and much gratitude!!!

1 comment:

Leftmost said...

I really do think that above comment is meant to be spam. Just sayin'.