Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Marathon, 34220 team-in-training: Membership Drive

The marathon is the gold standard for athletic merit or excellence and we will use it to demonstrate our commitment to our church. We will train together in our own cities serving as a witness (martyria).
Through our joint effort our communion (koinonia) we will testify our fatih and commitment to the Mother Church. Simply invite friends and family to take this challenge and experience the spiritual, physical and psychological transformation!
With only few hours a week you can devote yourself to a life changing experience and raise awareness of the orthodox faith. By following your weekly training schedule and journaling your progress and sharing your struggle you will grow in unforseen ways.
By choosing this peak life eperience, the training and completion of a marathon (26.2 miles) you act in faith and rejecting doubt and dispense with folkore which tells you its not possible.
Training workshops like these would cost in the hundreds but this is a free program. 34220 Training Program, an Off The Beaten Path Experience is provided by Ortho Praxis Consultant Angela Damianakis. This high end services has been brought to your door invite me in, tell your friends don't keep this a secret.
Angela is currenlty seeking regional facilitators who can assist participants in your local areas with long runs. If you are interested please notify Ortho Praxis Consulting.


Leftmost said...

Hey, wish you all the best in your EPAC program. 26.2 miles sounds like a lot to us mere average folk. I think that would be fun. Have you considered creating a brochure to allow members to advertise the program in their own parish churches? That might be neat.

btw, exciting new changes going on Leftmost Few. Check it out!

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

will do. why not join me and let's raise awareness!!!!