Friday, August 27, 2010

The Blockade That Is Halki

Posted by IN.GR Athens August 27, 2010

To break the blockade of the Theological School of Halki, even for just one month, managed 101 Greek artists. After 30 years of silence, the School will open to host the exhibition "Tracing Istanbul.
The exhibition will take place from 28 August to 23 September in Sismanoglio Hall and the Theological School of Halki, and in early October will be transferred to the "Technopolis in Athens.
"The idea with enthusiasm. It is an opportunity to contact the Greek and Turkish people. Particularly important is that it reopens and the School of Halki. It is an opportunity to join the Greeks in his past. Art is the only way to get around the two peoples. Only when we build a selfless, spiritual relationship will be able to have physical relationship. When a hostile attitude, it means that there is a spiritual connection, "said the News, Alekos Pheasant, whose works included in the report.
According to the curator Iris Cretan works, created for the most part for the purpose of the report, trace, and snapshots of reading mythological, historical and everyday recollections of ancient, Byzantine memories and lives of emperors and saints, dervish dances, romantic wandering travelers, handwritten notebooks and maps, newer memorabilia and historical photos and artifacts.
Alongside the exhibition, a specially designed area of the Theological School will run the 50-min documentary, "Tracing the City."
The exhibition is organized by the White Fox Company in cooperation with the Orthodox Theological School of Halki, the Greek consulate in Istanbul and the "Technopolis" of the City of Athens.
In the "Technopolis", and the report will be enriched with exhibits from the museum in Prince Adalar relating to geomorphology and history of Halki.

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