Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Call All Orthodox Christians and Runners

As many of you are already aware I've been organizing a national free marathon team-in-training. The first race is scheduled for Walt Disney World January 9, 2011. This venue was picked because of its great organization, family friendly venue and it being open to all first time runners. The main purpose for providing such a time consuming and personally costly venture is the plight of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the need orthodox Christians to demand openly the right for religious freedom. I was glad to learn OCMC is also having a 50 mile run that Saturday for the missions a worthy endeavor. Without religious freedom there can be no mission no meaningful planting and sustaining of churches. Please note we are in the last four weeks of preseason training. Get registered make the commitment and the rest will come. Sign up for your weekly mileage guide and support at my website http://www.orthopraxisconsulting.com/ see the Team 34220 tabs. There is no cost to joining the effort only an opportunity to be a part of something big something worthwhile. Let's create together an Orthodox presence in the running community. 26.2 miles is a long way but it is doable. We can do it together. Join me it's not to late. I've run it twice before and each time I learn more about myself my convictions and while smashing preconceived notions about personal limits. Stand up and train with me join this lone voice and run for religious freedom. I'm designing a clothing line and the gear will be useful and cool.

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