Sunday, January 10, 2010

Loving the Sinner Detesting the Sin

Not much time today to write but I just wanted to note that we don't have to accept sinfulness as a perpetual state to prove that God loves the sinner.


Leftmost said...

I remember JN1034 had a piece on this concept, of "love the sinner, hate the sin." It was a long time ago though, and I don't really remember all of what they said. It'd be nice to see them post on it again or maybe someone could ask them...

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

it would be of real value if old posts from each blog where available for revisiting as the posts are generally timely anytime and are not limited by current events.

Leftmost said...

I've tried to understand them. The deleting of good posts. The closing of an old blog. The frequent going away, sometimes locking the blog without warning then just going away for half a year. The fact that it's all copyrighted (what is the point of that, seriously?) "God loves you, don't tell anyone."

But I have to say, JN1034 has been getting...worse...over the year, not better.

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

Diligence is the key to getting answers. Be persistent. Understandably we are all on the journey and we all go underground in one way or another. I have chosen to always post my name and not some username I think it helps me be honest with myself and readership. Intellectual property rights is a cornerstone for any writer artist or creator for sure but when they pull their entries I feel like they are retracting more then controlling disbursement. This virtual world would be all crap if it wasn't for the small gems we find.

Leftmost said...

Well, yeah, if they were making money off of that stuff, then I could understand. But the blog is free, anyone can view it, unless they make money on advertising or something. But you can't even buy the stuff they take down, it's just gone. And if you're not making any money off of it, then the whole, "God loves you, don't tell anyone" thing makes no sense to me.

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

Not every value is quantifiable monetarily. There is a currency of identity and ownership tha textends beyond the profit margin. I still beleive in a people wherefor their faith dictates their conduct and character. I am not make cash money off an image but I will want to maintain control of the dispersement of the image.

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

Not every value is quantifiable monetarily. There is a currency of identity and ownership tha textends beyond the profit margin. I still beleive in a people wherefor their faith dictates their conduct and character. I am not make cash money off an image but I will want to maintain control of the dispersement of the image.