Saturday, January 9, 2010

Misfit Among Misfits and the Freezing Cold

First I'd like to say that there is much to do perhaps about nothing when we talk about the lack of inclusion in the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church has a standard of personal choice which exceeds all other Christian groups and sub denominations. It states little publicly about private personal matters and has a strong tradition of leaving personal issues to the parties involved. The wave of converts in America who have yet to shake their heretical mindset fault leadership for not going public in secular forums to denounce the obvious like abortion. The Orthodox don't get preachy to non orthodox but pastor and council those in the faith or of the faith. To denounce or disparage an entire religious group for the bigotry of a few vocal morons seems ironically moronic. In the same vain to relish one's sin and bask in the stench to prove some loyalty or brotherhood is equally moronic. We are called to put off our old nature and put on Christ. "Those who have been baptized in Christ have put Christ on". We don't just sin against each other or our selves but against God. To remain a prostitute in a fained attempt to show God loves the sinner is missing the point entirely. Seek righteousness by seeking the Kingdom. Love above all but love doesn't lead to debauchery but to purity in communion not in isolation. Nihilist need not apply.
As for my run it was freakin cold. Really cold by New York standards. When the wind blew it cut through my clothes. I needed a hat which I didn't wear. I did sport my longer running pants which only get to wear a couple of times a year. Experts say when you race in the cold its for time when you run in the heat its for place. This tells me in the cold I have no excuse not to keep going. I am quietly thankful I'm not running Disney's Marathon tomorrow with a start temp. of 25 degrees. Every obstacle is for good. Anyway I had a rather sizable revelation or epiphany while running today. I realized that running is all about resistance not about going with the flow. It is about resistance about doing what is uncomfortable and somewhat unnatural beyond a childhood game. Why do people from all walks of life run extended distances and put themselves through some of the most grueling experiences voluntarily without clear 'profit'. For me I feel like learned resistance, a commitment to consistent repetitive tempered behavior, to focus and habitual looking inward is the first of many steps home to God. In a real and not corny or metaphorical way. How else do we practice our discipline and determination and stamina but by really enduring and running the good race.

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