Friday, January 1, 2010

Trail Running Simply The Best

I began the New Year living out my childhood fanatasy of what beinga dog owner could mean. I have come to truly appreciate this bond and value it even today. If I had this blessing 30years ago during the years of loneliness and isolation I would have made better decisions and suffered less. Needless to say I still cherish and appreciate the joy and blessing of this kind of relationship. With Xena the relationship is natural relaxed and understood. She 'gets' me and I her. The only thing I would change is her size I wish she were slightly larger but then she might not be as ideal on the trail. She probably wishes I wasn't so lazy and took her more often. Today's run was miraculous next to yesterday's fiasco. Out with the old in with the new. I went running on the trails as Starkey Wilderness Park with Xena (my dog) and Stavro (my son). I loved it totally. I wish it we were able to go longer but 3 miles was Stavro's max. Xena was the ultimate trail dog waiting at the forks in the path for directions. Running just ahead and then looking back. She brings with her some security in spite of the seclusion or remote area, she clears the path for wildlife and is a great joy. Stavro was all about the 'wildness' of it explaining the landscape which I have run many many times. The only negative was its brevity and the fact that the trail is a 20 min excursion from my house. My legs were strong and my posture relaxed. The sand and pine needles beneath my feet were so soft and made the impact so much more gentle then the pavement.

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