Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just run, just pray just live

Today was another early run at the Y. I am shifting workout times to the morning because of convenience and necessity. It is interesting to get the run out of the way in the morning. It is noteworthy to mention the time it frees up. I don't spend the day thinking about the where, when or how long. It gets done when it gets done and it's over. Prayer is so important to life. It is something that gets pushed to the side and fit in where it can. I find that attending regular services keeps it in the forefront of my mind. It is a daily companion to my activities. It is amazing how much time is spent talking about God and religion. It effects all aspects of existence. It is also astonishing how many people are offended that God is not kept at home locked away in some compartment. I am enjoying the summer with the kids. We are quite organized due to scheduled activities. I have found that technology is a great tool but sometimes requires way too much maintenance. Have a great day. "This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it".

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