Monday, June 22, 2009

antiochian and oca possible merger

I have been talking for months about the possible intentions of Met. Jonah and the OCA for a power grab in the states. I have been slandered and banned from posting my concerns. I have been called mean spirited and a teller of gossip. Interestingly it is being reported on some blogs "that Metropolitan Jonah (OCA) spoke over the weekend about a "merging" of the Antiochian and OCA bodies in the US". Met. Jonah is not wasting any time suring up his base as I have said for months. He has been testing the waters for the advancement of his cause as he understands it. Past comments from the pulpit are a true window into his ideology and his apology more of a bargaining chip for more time. He has been testing the waters since his elevation. Understand that I am not personally privy to their discussion and I'm sure more will be released as time passes. The proof is in the fruit. If Met. Jonah is on the correct path he will not encourage or give comfort to any dissension among Antiochian leadership here in the states.


Anonymous said...

How could a parallel merger of Orthodox Churches in the United States be opposed?

Anonymous said...

How would a parallel merger of Orthodox Churches in the United States be negative? Sounds like a restoring of proper order to me.