Monday, August 31, 2009

True Knowledge: Saint Maximos, Saint John Chrysostom, Saint Peter Damaskos

St. Maximos has said, "To think that one knows prevents one from advancing in knowledge." St. John Chrysostom points out that there is an ignorance which is praiseworthy: it consists in knowing consciously that one knows nothing. In addition, there is a form of ignorance that is worse than any other: not to know that one does not know. [St. Peter of Damaskos]
These quotes were featured on a blog I visited today. I would like to ask that they guide us in our exchanges. There has been a lot of posting and activity on my blog and I am grateful for it. A newcomer is Isa, self described Arab and Orthodox Christian. I welcome her comments and would like some time to respond in detail. There is a lot of information but I believe that her telling of the history is viewed through a certain world view.
For example: The comment is not off task: if this Russian diaspora grows at its present rate, what if they electe a Russian EP? (such may happen soon in Jerusalem, where Russians and converted Hebrews now constitute the majority). Ankara dare not stop them: look at the Russian delegation waltzing into Hagia Sophia and serving a memorial service as the helpless guards looking on (even the pope of Rome hid his Cross when he went). What will the Greeks do, and why should they do it?
First of all I was in Turkey for the Papal Visitation. I was in attendance at the Church services at the Phanar. I saw the news regarding the Pope's visit to Holy Wisdom where he stopped and briefly venerated before the Icon of the Theotokis. I am not here to defend or judge his behavior. Too bad you describe the Russian delagation as waltzing into Holy Wisdom with the guards being helpless. I don't think you mean your statement. The Russians are arrogant and the Ankara weak? If it is accurate I beleive they allowed it simply to humiliate the Ecumenical Patriarch.

1 comment:

Isa Almisry said...

The EP had reposed, PoM Alexei and the Russians were in Constantinople for the funeral, so he was beyond humilation.

The humiliation, if any, was intended for the Turkish state which thinks it can say a Church isn't a Church. The Russians had enough of that.

I'm a he, btw.