Wednesday, May 6, 2009

heritics infiltrate the flock

spokespersons for anti-religious rhetoric do not even remotely concern themselves with debate. Rather their interests lie only in the suppression of debate. careers and ministries who proclaim descent from the heresies propagated are ridiculed and defamed. sins of omission wreak of cassocks. there has been a sunami of the reckless dispensement of poison to our youth and those seeking the truth. Is this too harsh? How does a catastrophic situation like this impact the laity? When does the appropriate venue for inquiry present itself as it had in the historical church? There is the constant proliferation of liberal jargon, gross inaccuracies and out right heresies infecting the Holy Orthodox Church. It has invaded orthodox seminaries and official theological offices. In particular and for example, a noted professor at an orthodox seminary is content proclaiming his brand of iconoclasm in his lectures and takes consistently the position of an apostate. All of his presuppositions are contrary to historical, undisputed, traditional church positions and Doctrins. i openly and thankfully acknowledge the great works of the majority of our clergy and monastics. I am a loyal and active member of the Holy Orthodox Church and Faith of which i am privileged to be a communicant. It is the most complete understanding of God and His plan for mankind that has to be revealed.


Euphrosyn said...

The church is indeed headed for disasterous consequences when Orthodox seminarians have to be on gaurd against heresy everyday in the very institutions where they are supposed to be receiving training for the ministry. In spite of this, we do know that God will protect His church, yet it may be at times like this that the Holy Spirit will call upon the laity to expose the darkness with the light of His glorious truths.

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

Christ is risen. Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am trying to generate a group of believers who are not afraid of speaking truth to power. the devil prowls like a lion seeking whom he may devour. don't be suprised to find him in the seminaries remember Job and how the evil one was in the court of God.