Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Digging Deeper for the Joy of It--Go kids!!

This morning the kids and I headed out for our regular training sessions. It is a real blessing for me as parent to see how thye have intergrated labor into their activity. They choose to be active. I know that some of it is the commeraderie found amongst athletes but they are also internally driven to dig deep and push their limits and work in concert with their bodies to acheive something. The synergy between their body mind and spirit is something we all strive for. I am grateful that with all my shortcomings as a parent this I have been able to pass to them. It would certainly be easier not to get out of bed at six am to be on a field or in a pool by 6.30 before a full day of school and then homework with karate class at night. They have learned how to stress the body have become comfortable with it and are strengthed by it. This is good. Those are Biblical lessons put concretely in ways they can assimilate into their character. Raising them in the way they should go in action not just rudimentary lessons. This is one instance where I have lead by example not because I am the fastest or the best but simply determined and dedicated.

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