Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Running in a Torrential Downpour

Today's run was metaphorical for the times. I ran to pick up something from the grocery store and on my return I found myself running in a torrential downpour. It was amazing. I felt 'my base' get energized and stronger more determined more in flow with my internal rhythm. I had to wear my sunglasses to keep the rain from hitting directly into my eyes. There were puddles 4-6 inches high to navigate through and trees heavy with rain water bowing before the road. The road is a great teacher. I enjoyed this run very much as it was cooling and enjoyable. The real blessing was that there was no lightening to be seen or thunder to be heard. This is highly unusual in my area of Florida as I live about an hour fromt he lightening capitol of the world.  Despite the bombardment I was keeping true to my path and followed the road home. Bystanders either thought I was out to lunch or very serious and a true contender. Sound familiar?

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